How to Define Menus & Actions in Odoo 17
Odoo is a prominent open-source company management solution that is both flexible and strong, enabling enterprises to optimize their processes. The definition of menus and actions is a crucial component of customizing the Odoo user interface. These elements are essential to creating a fluid and simple user experience since they influence how consumers engage with different modules.
This extensive article will explore the nuances of creating menus and actions in Odoo 17. This step-by-step article will guide you through the process of establishing a menu, defining actions, and tying them together, whether you’re an experienced Odoo developer or a business user trying to optimize your system’s appearance. Comprehending these foundational components is imperative in customizing Odoo to your business requirements and guaranteeing an intuitive interface that amplifies efficiency.
To add a menu item, create a new module called “Vehicle Management”.
First, we define the main menu item “Vehicle Management” in this case. This menu item determines how the different Vehicle Details features are arranged.
We create a “Vehicle” submenu under the “Vehicle Management” menu. This submenu will contain certain vehicle-related functions. Inside the “Vehicle” submenu, we define a menu item called “Vehicle Records/Details. ” This menu item has a specific action connected to it, called “action_vehicle_details.” When a user interacts with a menu item, such as by opening a form or initiating a certain procedure, actions specify what happens.
In conclusion, the Vehicle management menu is organized hierarchically using this XML code.
The sub-menu “Vehicle” under the “Vehicle Management” menu has a menu item called “Vehicle Records/Details” that is associated with a specific activity. In addition to improving the Odoo interface’s visual clarity, this arrangement specifies how users will interact with the vehicle management capabilities.
The XML code sample presents another way to use the “parent_id” element in Odoo 17 menu structuring: A feature associated with class records in the vehicle management system is represented by the defined menu item with the identification “class_menu”. This menu item’s display name, “Class Records,” is specified by the attribute “name.”The parent menu item to which “class_menu” belongs is designated by the “parent” attribute. This instance relates to the menu item designated as “vehicle_management.vehicle_order_menu.”The module name in this case is vehicle_management.
This method makes use of the “parent” property to create a hierarchical link between menus, which streamlines feature organization and offers an organized flow for navigating inside the Odoo interface. This approach allows for greater flexibility when creating menu layouts and is especially helpful for logically and modularly expanding pre-existing menu hierarchies. We may add the “actions” feature to further improve menu item functionality, as seen in the previous code that includes attributes like id, name, parent, and sequence. This property is very important since it defines what will happen when the menu item is selected.
In this case, let’s look at an example wherein selecting the menu item opens the Odoo 17 “vehicle. details” model in a tree view.
An action record called “action_vehicle_record” is created in this line of code. It details what follows:
The “action_vehicle_record” action is designed to control the behaviour of the “Vehicle Records” menu item.
“Vehicle Records” is the display name for this action, as set by the “name” parameter.
The model that this action is connected with—”vehicle. details” in this case—is specified in the “res_model” parameter.
The various views that are accessible for this activity, such as tree view, kanban view, and form view, are described in the “view_mode” parameter.
If the “context” field is empty, then this action is not subject to any further context.
Although it is not used in this case, the “domain” column, which is set to an empty list “[],” defines the domain filter for the records displayed.
The “help” field prompts users to create a new vehicle as the first step in vehicle management with a useful tooltip message that is set to HTML.
The “ir.actions.act_window” template defines this window action, which is essential to coordinating the menu item’s behaviour. By appending the ID of the action to the “action” element within the menu item, we create a smooth link between the menu item and the intended action.
By clicking the menu item to access the designated tree view, users can interact with the system in a simplified and easy manner.
Odoo users and developers can create an easily-useable environment by learning how menu items are generated and actions are set. Using features such as “parent,” “sequence,” and “actions,” you can customize the navigation flow on many levels, ensuring a well-organized and user-friendly experience
As seen in our examples, when particular models and views are linked together, the relationship between menu items and actions becomes especially clear. The intelligent use of actions enhances the effectiveness and relevancy of menu items, whether they are guiding users to a tree view of real estate sites or making vehicle record-keeping easier.
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