What is Odoo Price List Management in Odoo
What is Odoo Price List?
Let the name itself speak. The price list is the price of the products which are put on sale. It is essential for all product sale-related businesses. Be it a point-of-sale business, e-commerce, or drop-shipping, it is the price list that primarily attracts a buyer. Manual odoo price listi is the past, and ERP-assisted price list management is the trend of the day.
You don’t have to pay the price if you adopt a suitable ERP solution for managing the prices of the product. A well-managed price list is sure to win the customers’ trust. Enterprise resource planning software can systematize the pricing of different products and product variants.
Why Odoo?
Implementing ERP helps you manage discounts, special offers, and every other customer-friendly pricing feature. Odoo, the best ERP solution, facilitates all these features in minimum steps. Odoo offers a chance to manage the product price for short-term and long-term needs. Special offers and offer periods can also be set easily by implementing Odoo. Auto calculation of discounts and others also supports the consumer in getting an idea about the benefits of the offers.
Support to set the sale price
Odoo ERP tool has a sophisticated sale module that offers complete help for price list setting and management. Setting the sale price list in Odoo can be completed in a few steps. The Odoo price list supports the user to give product name, category, price, and other details. Odoo also allows managing changes in the set price list based on public price or product cost price.
Price for product variants
Product variants are products with different attributes. For some products, the demand will be very high. It also depends upon the features of variants. Here, the seller is most likely to increase the price of such product variants. Odoo Open Source ERP Software supports the pricing of product variants with no difficulty. The option to set a price list for different variants makes the price list applicable only to that attribute with Odoo Software helping this ensures the best price for product variants.
Customer Segmentation Management
In the modern market, customers belong to different segments. For drop-shipping, e-commerce, and point-of-sale purchases, some customers pay an additional fee to become premium customers. In such cases, the business investor readily offers special discounts and offers to premium customers.
Segmentation can be done based on the country of the customer or any other criteria that the seller decides. Odoo ERP offers support to manage customer segmentation effectively to organize the business for different buyers.
Multiple prices per product
Do you want to set multiple prices for a product? Odoo is here to help you. Odoo ERP system enables to set of different prices for the same product based on the customer category. As ERP-assisted multiple price lists help to set customer segmentation, multiple pricing also becomes a part of it. Odoo helps to manage the public pricelist, and price list for registered users and premium customers. Multiple price lists help the buyer offer a special price to premium customers automatically. Price settings for different currencies and different countries and taxes could also be managed without difficulty. Different prices for the same product can also be set by computing the taxes imposed on different areas.
Set temporary price
The sales business is trying out different strategies every day to attract buyers. Flash offers and limited-time offers are some of the recently used techniques. A seller will have to manage a separate price list in Odoo for the product before offering flash deals and limited-time offers. Implementing Odoo ERP gives you the best solution for this. The ERP tool helps the user to set an offer for a period. The start date or time and the end date or time can be set based on the offer period. Odoo’s countdown snippet can also benefit an ERP user by highlighting the temporary price and discount period.
Price per minimum quantity
Do you want your customer to purchase more than one unit of a product? Then set the price per minimum quantity. This strategy helps to introduce a special discount if a customer purchases multiple units of the same product. With the Odoo ERP tool, the user can set the price for a minimum quantity. For example, on utilizing this feature, a vendor will sell one unit of measure of a product for Rs 1000. But, the price per unit will get auto-reduced to 900 if the customer is purchasing two units. The user can offer further discounts and set the unit price of the product as Rs. 750 if the buyer is purchasing five units of measures.
Discounts management
Discounted price on a product is a quick way to attract buyers. But the calculation side of discounts is not that simple. Discounted price should be somewhere between the minimum and maximum margin on a product. Odoo’s price list offers features to enable discounts and advanced formula settings for price calculation. The discount can be calculated in two ways.
1. Fixed discount- A fixed sum will be discounted on a product
2. Percentage discount- The discount will be calculated in terms of the percentage of the total sum
Odoo implementing company can also support Odoo implementing company by setting features to round the prices.
Odoo ERP business software enables the user to introduce promotions and coupons. Promotions can be set in a few simple steps. Odoo helps the user to set an attractive title for the promotion and set conditions for the promotion. The promotion can be set for a particular segment of customers. Filtering of customers is also possible with Odoo price listing. The segmentation for promotion will be done with the support of customer records.
The promotion can be in different forms.
1. Direct discount
2. Reward coupon
3. gift
4. Free shipping
Odoo’s coupon generation feature helps to set the validity of the coupon. The coupon expires at the end of the validity period. ERP solution also supports setting conditions for the use of an allotted coupon. The minimum purchase price for using the coupon can also be set.
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