Products Management in Odoo 16 Sales App

March 8, 2023

Odoo has become the best choice for most businesses as it can handle multi-purpose and complex needs of the company in a single system. The business world cannot be blind to such software as it helps organizations to grow in various ways. It’s a complete suite of open-source business applications that have got various versions every year. Odoo let the users work various functions such as CRM, sales, inventory, reporting, accounting, sending, invoices, and so on. Among the modules in Odoo, the Sales Module roles of order placement, creating new items, changing existing items, managing products, and its shipping and delivering process, etc. The sales and managing distribution purpose help us generate sales and implement the distribution channel for making an income for the company. The module gives us access to control in the sales department. The sales management solution supports inventory, marketing, human resources, finance, etc. Using the Sales Module in Odoo Software, Odoo 16 Software provides a feature to manage products.

 Manage Products Using the Sales Module in Odoo 16

We can understand how to manage products using the Sales Module in Odoo 16 ERP Software through this blog. Configuration of products is one of the difficult steps in the operation of a sales module. Here we can mention each product separately in a particular field which will help us explain its variants so that users can select products according to their needs. Even small business companies make use of this product management. Without this, industries cannot survive even a single day.

The management of products is highly effective in business strategy. The aims of product management are to increase the profit of a company, help to become an expert on the market by persuading customers to buy their products, help to keep a balanced view on all aspects of the product, etc. With the help of this feature in Odoo, we can create a product profile and add all the information. We have the options such as ‘Can be Sold’, ‘Can be purchased’, ‘Can be expensed’, and ‘Product type’. First Open the sales module in your system.

In the sales Module, there are some options like; orders, invoices, products, reporting, and configuration. Select the Products button, which gives us some sub-options like Products, Product variants, and Price Lists. On clicking the Products tab, we can view the list of products in both Kanban and List view. Detailed information on a particular product will be visible on selecting a Product.

Select a particular product from the list shown. Here we can find some other options like Print Labels, Update Quantity and Replenish to perform certain actions.


Now let us look at how to manage a product in this sales module to the system. For this purpose, we have to use the Create button. On clicking the Create button, we will be directed to a page where you have to enter certain information like General Information, Attributes, and Variants, Sales, e-commerce, Point of Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Accounting details, etc.


Under the General Information Tab, we have to provide certain details we can mention the Product Category or can customize the category. Under the Internal Reference give in-house operations and Barcode as shown. Similarly, under the Invoicing Policy and Re-invoice Expenses, we can choose the required option. The Product Type option gives some product types such as; Consumable, Service, and Storable Products, which can be selected as corresponding options. Then we can add the Sales Price Of the product and the option for Extra Price To add in the description.

With Multi Companies, we have to provide the company name and along with that mention the Unit of Measure and Purchase of UoM for the product.

Now let us look at the product has other variants. In that case, there is an option for Product Variants as marked above which can be defined in the Sales Module based on different features.


In the Add a Line option, we can provide product Attributes and Corresponding Values. Here we can add different Variants as well. In the Sales Tab, we can add information based on the sale of the product. The Tab provides some options like Optional Products to add additional products with the main product, and Sales Description where we can give information about the sale as well. The next Tab is Purchase Tab, where we can add the vendor’s list under the Add a Line option. Then in the Reordering option, we can select the procurement method. In the Vendor bills option, you can add vendor bill aspects under which Vendor Taxes and Control Policy can be provided accordingly. Now below that, we can provide the Purchase Description.

Let us move on to Inventory Tab. Now we can give the Routes of operation which have various options in the Logistics field. Mention the responsible person who provides all the logistic operations, and can add weight, volume, and Manufacturing lead time. Days to prepare Manufacturing Order, Customer Lead Time. In the Packaging option, we can give the packaging details of the product. And we can add different methods of packaging under Add a Line.

The accounting tab as shown below is the last tab in products. Here we can give account details under the Receivables and Payables options, respectively.


Now in Settings, we have to enable the Sales Warning option to set a warning for particular products. After adding all the required information about the product, we can click on the Save button to add the product to the product list. If there are different varieties of products, we can manage different varieties of products. And this is how you manage products in the Sales Module using Odoo software.

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