ERP Software for Waste and Recycling Industry

September 14, 2020

Waste disposal is one of the major hurdles for many industrial units, offices, and households across the globe. With the increasing e-waste, plastic waste, and other trash, the scope of viable collection and treatment industry is also booming. The new era gives plenty of openings for waste collection firms across the globe, such as investors who are ready to take up innovative and systematic waste collection methods. The industry that deals with scrap management and treatment requires a fine-tuned Odoo ERP Waste Management Software for managing operations.

How Odoo ERP Assists You In Overcoming Waste Management Problems

  • ERP can offer a one-point solution for waste collection and management. 
  • It can speed up the activities. 
  • It can ensure efficient collection and management of source details.  
  • ERP benefits the waste collection industry in different ways.

Collection point management

Odoo ERP Waste Management Software is the best support software for the waste collection industry. Odoo’s contact module and other modules work together to manage the details of collection points. The organization of dumping sites and other details are also made easy with an apt ERP platform.

The data can be managed based on the area of waste collection points and dumping sites. Besides, this also helps to document the details of agencies that purchase recycled products. Odoo, being the Best ERP Software, also enables us to update and change the documents whenever required.

Budget management

The waste treatment industry is becoming a prominent industry in the modern world. Every manufacturing, service, and point-of-sale industry now depends on the waste treatment and recycling industry for waste management. With several new investors stepping into the waste treatment business, proper budget management plays a crucial role in deciding its success. 

A well-defined Enterprise Resource Planning Software helps you allocate a budget for different projects and works. For example, funding for the collection process storage management can be allocated using software support. 

 The expense and income tracking

Cloud-based Waste Management Erp Software can extend support to you to constantly track expenses. It can also help you identify the most income-generating recycled product by studying the sale documents. Odoo supports listing different types of waste materials collected by the industry. It also eases the listing of recycled products manufactured from different waste particles. The ERP tool also helps to foresee the market and plan expenses accordingly. It also assists in forecasting market trends and demands. Income generated and the payment methods and payment schedule can also be organized by implementing ERP. Bassam Infotech the Best ERP consultants can provide you with a complete solution for market analysis and income generation.

 Real-time monitoring of activities

Odoo integrates everything from the collection of waste to the sale of recycled products. It also incorporates the work-hour management of employees at the treatment plant and the final disposal of unused waste particles. Open Source Software solution offers aid to monitor different steps of operation. Tracking of the movement of collected waste from the source to recycling units is also possible with the Best Waste Management Software. The investor or the manager can get a clear view of the operation once the operations are integrated with Odoo Software. 

Scheduled Tasks

The task management feature can be operated with the support of Odoo Projects. It helps you manage multiple tasks and assign different persons to handle the charges. Scheduling of activity helps to allot time for completing each task. Odoo ERP tool also offers you support to effectively complete the task by work hour re-arrangement and workforce management.

 Segregation and scrap management

The toughest task in a waste management industry is the segregation of collected waste. The sorting of metal, glass, e-waste, plastic, and other categories can be eased with the support of Odoo Software. 

  • By implementing an ERP solution, one can categorize the waste. They can organize the storage of waste material in the warehouse. 
  • It also supports the classification of waste into recyclable and unrecyclable. 
  • Odoo can provide you with a total solution for the safer disposal of unrecyclable kinds of stuff.
  •  ERP can ensure compliance with government regulations regarding waste disposal to avoid environmental hazards. Setting standards and monitoring the effective implementation of the standard control mechanism is also made possible with ERP.

Identify the source and type of waste

The feature of Odoo is to list contact details and prepare an area-wise listing of waste material providers to simplify the operations of the industry. An investor can get source details and the type of waste supplied by a particular source with the help of an online platform. It also enables us to easily and quickly identify the quantity of waste and plan disposal and recycling effectively.

 Waste treatment estimation

Accurate preparation of estimates is the success of any business. With Odoo ERP, an investor can be sure of the accuracy of the forecast. In addition, the ERP solution offers total assistance to prepare master data, control the speed of operation, and optimize work centre capacity. 

ERP can also support the management of waste treatment orders from different firms. It can manage household, organizational, and industrial waste treatment estimates using Odoo ERP.


Machinery management

The cloud-based ERP system helps to manage the repair and maintenance work of the machinery used for waste treatment. Timely maintenance of different types of machines used for recycling different kinds of waste particles ensures the effective operation of the industry. It can also manage maintenance calendars and maintenance contracts. Easy management of internal maintenance and sub-contracting of maintenance works are also possible with Odoo. 

Multiple project management

Odoo gives you the best result when managing various projects. ERP can support the industry to operate smaller and bigger waste treatment projects simultaneously. It can help you set the requirements for different projects. The integration of waste management at multiple units and locations can also be done with an Odoo ERP application.

Report preparation and management

ERP for waste collection can be used to generate financial reports and statements. It can also support you in preparing a periodical report on the waste collection, recycling rate, and effective disposal rate. ERP helps you avoid all manual calculations and graph preparation. The report with graphic support can be generated using the ERP solution within seconds. We can also generate a report on different waste materials and recycled products to improve the productivity of the business.


Being the best open-source software for small businesses, Odoo is the ultimate ERP solution for the cost-effective waste collection industry. It can equally help you scientifically manage every aspect of the evolving industry.  

DOWNLOAD Odoo Waste Management Software

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