Odoo ERP Software for Logistics Management with Live Tracking

November 12, 2019

Odoo Logistics ERP Functions

To the question: “What can an Odoo logistics management software do?” It could be answered as follows:” Make more efficient not only the logistics but also all the other business processes thanks to the logistics.” It may seem exaggerated, yet more and more companies are discovering that an ERP can help them simplify many of their processes and support their entire production and logistics cycle to work more easily.

As we have seen several times, the first and most important benefit of any ERP is precisely to make the various company sectors “talk,” crossing data and information to improve productivity and overall business efficiency.

With logistics, the program must be developed to help companies in warehouse operations and manage a multitude of elements that are part of the production chain, from the purchase of raw materials to the shipment of finished products to customers.

The main features of an Odoo Logistics Management ERP System

First, in choosing a management software for logistics, it is certainly better to prefer a scalable and modular Odoo Erp Software for Logistics Management which, besides the classic inventory management options, offers features such as:

  • Analysis of the order availability to generate shipping documents by checking the customer order portfolio with warehouse stocks.
  • Generating pick lists to manage customer priorities and shipments by zones
  • Lot traceability to manage warehouses based on lots
  • Serial numbers, product expiration
  • Variable locations and inventories
  • Internal logistics management and logistics for third parties
  • Compliance with obligations for legal obligations

The point is that logistics is a key success factor in managing many companies, manufacturing, and beyond. And to think that managing it effectively simply means dealing with the daily handling of goods would be a mistake. A similar approach would not give guarantees of effectiveness in the face of unforeseen events and sudden peaks of orders.

The general objectives of the logistics software are to increase profit margins and reduce supply chain times to give the company a competitive advantage in the market.


Save time and money: The Advantages of Odoo Logistics management system

Many advantages can be obtained simply by using Odoo management software for business logistics. Mainly we can identify 7, that are closely related to each other:

  1. Standardization of goods entry and exit processes
  2. Optimization of storage logic
  3. More speed to process
  4. Optimization of the production chain
  5. Reduced transport costs
  6. Reduction of human errors
  7. Improve the traceability of goods

Let’s see them.

Odoo Logistics introduces hardware tools and processes in companies that allow real-time tracking of goods movements, giving immediate management visibility. Checklists of loading and withdrawals guided by exit orders that commit the materials ensure the stocks and availability are available to those who must manage and decide.

Correct storage logic based on the characteristics of the materials and the rotation indexes makes it possible to organize their layout, optimize space occupancy, and minimize picking times.

As evident, management software can help companies distribute their products to the public and customers faster. Withdrawals organized by the destination of the goods and the nature of the products, together with route optimization, increase the speed of delivery of the necessary goods and, assist in choosing the most efficient shipping service, the logistics software can save days (sometimes even weeks) ) in the process that goes from the production cycle to the delivery time. Furthermore, Odoo logistics software prevents human error.

Completing the complicated calculations that were once necessary to analyze transport data was time-consuming and too often subject to human errors that often cost the company a great deal of money. Today, however, these calculations are completely managed by the software. In addition, the same program improves the traceability of goods and the level of order fulfilment.

Logistics Management

In addition, the Odoo software for logistics management can also help companies save money by comparing courier fees and shipping services to help companies identify the most cost-efficient based on multiple factors and not just for the price.

Not surprisingly, transport can be one of the most delicate (and most expensive) phases of logistics management, considering factors such as shipping prices and fuel costs. The management software allows companies to automate the management of large amounts of transport data so that they can be analyzed. Then, the top management can make informed and punctual decisions based on this analysis.

For example, if a trucking company can make delivery in three days but at a higher cost than a second courier that would take five days for delivery, the software can determine which is the most advantageous option for the company. It is clear that manually doing the same type of calculations would be as long as it is frustrating.

A choice in step with the times that we have listed in this article is some of the key features that every management software must have to optimize the logistics.

As a general rule, when choosing a program, it is advisable to focus on scalable and modular solutions and, above all, built vertically to meet specific sectors’ particular and complex needs.

Today, thanks to technological innovations, individuals and companies in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA, and beyond are getting used to receiving goods within a few days (even a few hours) and to agile and satisfying shopping experiences. Therefore, Odoo software for logistics management is certainly the ideal choice to maintain (and increase) high standards.

DOWNLOAD Odoo software for logistics management

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