Engineering Change Orders (ECO) | Odoo15 PLM Overview

July 22, 2022

The product lifecycle management module helps to effectively manage data and processes that happen during the product life cycle. Here we can discuss how to create engineering change orders in the PLM module.

plm-module-odoo-customization engineering-change-ordersBelow, I summarize the Product lifecycle management module. Here we can see the dashboard ‘New Product Introduction’.

eco-orders-odoo-module-engineering-change-ordersWhen clicking on it, this appears. Here we can create ECO which means Engineering change orders.

Fill in all the required fields. There will be a description field. Fill this out and also apply on BOM or product only. Then you can select the ECO type. The effective field is used to display the date on which the changes should be applied. Then we can click on start revision.

We can upload the documents to the ECO. When we click on Revision v2, this will become archived. We can update the bill of materials and attach documents whenever necessary.

plm-overview-engineering-change-ordersStages of Engineering Change Orders(ECO):

There are four stages in eco. They are:

1. New:

In this stage, a new eco order is created.

2. In progress:

In this stage, the eco orders are currently in progress.

3. Approvals:

This stage is in which the admin user sets approval for a change for the suitable officials.

4. Effective:

In this stage, the engineering change orders(eco) are confirmed.

Master Data:

There is a menu master data. In this, there are three masters. Product master, bill of materials, and work centers.n Product master, we get details of the product. We can create a new product and add certain features to the product. In the bill of materials, we get all the details of the components used to produce a new product.

plm-dek-compained-engineering change-ordersHere enter the main product in the product field, then quantity and Bom type. There are mainly three Bom types. They are:

1. Manufacture this product:

2. Kit

3. Subcontracting

Then in the lines, all the component products used to produce the final product are listed.

In work centers, we get all the details of the places where the production is carried out.

work-ceneters-plm-moduleFirst is the work center’s name. Also, there are the working hours mentioned. Here in this example, the working hours mentioned are standard of 40 hours/week. It means the working time is 40 hours in a week and also the company name is also mentioned. There is the notebook page General Information, and all the terms related to the efficiency of the work center are mentioned. They are Time efficiency, capacity, OEE target, etc.

Also in the configuration, there will be Eco stages, ecotypes, and eco tags. Eco stages are what we discussed above, the different stages. Then there is the ecotype.

eco-typesWe can create an eco type like this. Enter the type and the email alias. Eco tags can also create like this:

eco-tagsGive the tag name for creating the eco tags.


One of the main functionalities in every business is the management of the product life cycle. In order to facilitate financial planning of products, the business people need information from its delivery to disposal. So proper documents related to this are needed. So that is why engineering changes orders. Through this, the Plm module in odoo helps us manage the product data and the entire product life cycle.

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